Saturday, February 2, 2013

Just to add a little spice to our life...

Because it was so bland and boring before, right? Let's get a puppy!

Oh yes we did!

Meet Brody. The cutest little black lab you ever did see! Our newest addition to the madness. Poor little guy didn't even know what he was getting himself into. Nor did we.

Brody was a Christmas gift for the whole family. He sort of fell in our laps and we felt as though he was meant to be. After a particularly tough fall/winter, especially for poor Gracie, we decided we needed a little joy, a little cheer.

And we got joy and cheer...and poop and pee and chewed furniture and kids who didn't necessarily feel the love for the dog as quickly as we had hoped.

It was a tough transition, I will say that. After the first week, I thought..."there is no way we are all going to survive this. Someone is going down." And it was probably going to be me.

The first day I was home alone with the pup and the kids I found myself carrying a crying and petrified Patrick on one hip with a dog nipping at my heels while trying to cook dinner. Here is the text that my husband got that night...

"if you don't come home now, this dog will not be here when you do come home"

Subtle, no?

As with anything the dust settles. And out little Brody is settling in quite nicely. The kids loooooove him now. Love him to the point of smothering him.

And yes having a new puppy is a lot like having another baby...

Except, you can lock him in a crate when he's annoying you. And put him outside by himself. And leave him in the car to do errands. All of which I believe is frowned upon with real human children. Last time I checked anyway.

So our house is feeling fuller and busier and all full of love and squishiness! Just as it should be.

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