Monday, December 26, 2011

Baby Boot Camp

Alright folks, I am writing to tell you all about my new hobby. You aren't even going to believe me when I tell you. Get ready...

Is the anticipation killing you??


I know, right?!?! You can all stop giggling now. I am serious. Let's discuss.

So my BFF Antoinette started this new workout regimen last spring. It is called Baby Boot Camp. It is basically exactly how it sounds...bootcamp (as one would expect it, with pushups and running and squats and situps, etc.) while you push your baby around in a stroller.

Genius, or disaster?

Well I will be the first to admit I was skeptical. Not only was I skeptical, but I mocked the BFF. She packed up her kids every day, threw on her running shoes and went at it. She kept telling me I should come try it with her. Telling me how fun it was.

And all I could think was, I hate exercise and I hate listening to whining kids....not only does it NOT sound fun, it sounds like the equivalent of getting a root canal.

But, I really like hanging with Antoinette. We have two kids the same exact ages, like weeks apart from each other. And before you ask, "Did we plan it like that?" I will answer you the same way I answer everyone else...

The world may never know.

So anyway, I was feeling a little lost without the bestie to hang out with. And frankly, doing kids activities without another adult is just plain boring. So I decided to give the Baby Boot Camp thing a go. I mean, how hard could it be?




It was freaking HARD.

But after that first class, where I dragged my sorry ass around huffing and puffing all the while, I actually felt good. I noticed I had more energy. So I decided to go back and give it another try. And I went again and again and then I realized it was becoming routine and I actually enjoyed going.

Now, I have never been the exercising type of girl. I do not have an athletic bone in my body. I am not a runner. And I am not very strong. But for the first time in my life, something has clicked. I can't quite put my finger on what it is. Maybe it is the group mentatlity. Being with a group of other women, other mothers who are all in the same place in their life is very motivating. Maybe it is the amazing instructors who know just the right thing to say at just the right time. Also, the fact that they all have children and are rocking smokin' hot bodies makes you want to do whatever it is they do to look like that. Whatever it is, it is amazing. And I am for the first time in my life experiencing a "runner's high" as they put it.

And who knew kids could be so motivating? They say the darndest things, those little angels. Some of my favorite words of encouragement from the little cherubs: "Run faster, mama! We're always losing!" or how about "Wow, Mama, your bum is shaking a lot when you run."

Yeah, that one stung a little.

I also love, love, love that I feel like this is instilling good habits in my kids (especially Grace). She sees me working out, and being healthy. And she loves to run around and mimic the boot camp moves. I have mentioned before how scared I am of not being able to do the right things to ensure that Grace has a healthy body image...sadly something I have (and continue to) struggle with. The fact that she can look up to her own mother (me!) as a role model is so empowering.

Warning: I will say, baby boot camp is as much of a mental workout as a physical workout. Patrick doesn't necessarily love being strapped in the carriage for an hour. And, as we all know, Patrick is not shy about letting his feelings be known. But I have gotten very skilled at throwing various snacks and toys into the stroller, while running and trying not to die.

Multi-tasking at its finest.