Monday, September 12, 2011

Dear Gracie,

Tonight is the night before your first day of preschool. Right now, you are laying in bed next to me. You are such a beautiful girl. But, I cannot believe you are the same baby I had only three years ago. You are looking so grown up to me these days. You are getting so long and lean. Your beautiful curly hair is getting long. And yet, there are traces of that baby I held. I can still see her in there behind that grown up face, that independent will of yours. 

I always think back to the night you were born. How long I labored, how much I had to fight for you. But you were worth any battle. I looked into your eyes and fell madly in love. Heaven and Earth moved when you arrived. I would never be the same. I loved you more than words could ever describe and there aren't enough moments in this lifetime to show you. 

So I hope you'll just believe me. You are so special, so smart, so sweet. You make me so proud every day. You and I...we were made for each other. 

This is a day I have dreaded since you were born. Selfishly, I want to keep you all to myself. But you have to go, my dear. You will learn so much. Have so many new experiences. And you deserve all the happiness and fun this world can offer you. I know there will bumps along the road, and some tears are inevitable. And this kills me. I have spent every day of your life trying to shield you from any pain, discomfort, hurt feelings that may come your way. And even though I can't be by your side every second, I am always standing right beside you, and I will always be there to catch you. 

So, my love, now I have to share you with the world. Have fun. Learn new things. Be kind. Try your best. 

I love you, 

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