well...as easy as it could be with a preschooler and a toddler.
I know, I know...no posts for a while. But honestly, I was off having one of the best summers I can remember in a long time. I think that maybe I was just so happy to not be pregnant or recovering from a C-section this summer, that frankly, my standards were pretty low. But, nontheless, it was a fantastic summer filled with long sunny days by the pool, a few lazy weeks at the beach, fresh dinners hot off the grill with icy cold margaritas to wash it down (remember, I was pregnant last summer. I was due for a few beverages by the pool this summer). Here are few highlights from Bunker Summer 2011:
1.) OK...let's get the negative stuff out of the way first. So as I have said before, my little Patrick can have, how do you say... a tough personality (see previous blog "Our First Family Vacation"). Well, his little quirks became glaringly obvious this summer. So this may not be a popular statement, but Patrick has earned himself a nickname as of late. Since some days he is an absolute terrorist, we call him Osama. I didn't say it was tasteful, but you sure do get the idea don't you? There are some days that kid gets into everything humanly possible. He actually emptied out a cabinet, threw a box of Cheerios on the floor making a nice crunchy carpet in my kitchen and crawled INTO the cabinet, giggling all the while. Other days he literally crawls around the house holding onto my leg and crying. For what, you ask? Is he hungry, is he tired, does he want me to play with him? No, mostly he just wants me to pick him up so he can slap me and squirm out of my arms. So, yes sometimes I call him Osama. One morning I am pretty certain I am going to walk into his room to find him crouched in front of a video camera, holding a severed Barbie head, addressing his followers as to how to make their mother's twitch, punctuated with screams of "PRAISE ELMO!" Now most days, we sign a peace treaty and all is right in Dedham. But you can never let your guard down.
2.) There was a brief period in early summer where, unfortunately, my car air conditioning broke. Now you all know I already consider my car a torture chamber on wheels. Add 110 degree stagnant air to the incessant talking, whining, screaming, and requests for food from the back seat and I was pretty sure I found a new interrogation method for the government.
3.) So our Cape vacation was a success! I know you all were a little nervous after our mini vacation in the spring. But it was fun and relaxing and we made some awesome memories. My secret weapon ("the troops" aka Nana, Papa, Nana B., Grampa and all the aunties and uncles) made the vacation possible. Do you really need 25 people to take care of two kids? Yes...yes you do.
OK, guys...funny story...so the first night there all four of us were in the same bedroom (me, Pat, Grace and Patrick). We had Grace on a cot, P man in the Pack and Play, and Pat and I in the bed. So, you can see where this is going, right? Inevitably, Patrick wakes up, realizes we are all in the room and proceeds to scream his little lungs out. We try to bring him in the bed with us, try giving him a bottle, promised him a pony...nothing. It went on for about a half hour, until Gracie finally whimpers from her cot, eyes still closed "Mama, he's never gonna stop!" I hear ya, sister. Don't worry..Gracie's aunties took mercy on her poor little soul and let her sleep with them.
Aside from some minor bumps in the road, my kids had the time of their lives! They were true little beach bums and I cried crossing the bridge back to Boston.
4.) I realized that there is nothing better than dirty, tired kids at the end of of a long summer day. It just means they had a great day. Diapers full of sand, muddy feet, chlorine streaked hair - bring it all on! Feed them, give them baths and everyone is asleep by 7pm.
5.) Grace also earned herself a new nickname this summer. She is now Dr. Doolittle around these parts. That girl freaking loves her an animal. Or insect. She won't discriminate. She made friends with some ants that took over my kitchen. I found her crouched down on the floor whispering to the ants "Oh, hi little fellas. You know you're not supposed to be in here. You belong outside, sillies!" We spent many an hour at the zoo or stalking neighborhood animals (because you bet your ass there is not an animal joining the chaos in this house. Hell to the no!).
6.) Popsicles solve all the world's problems...this is a fact.
7.) Something miraculous also happened this summer. Grace started to actually LIKE Patrick. She, like, PLAYS with him. Without me begging her. She actually seeks him out. You have no idea how much easier this makes my life. To hear them giggling together, see them playing and loving each other is literally my reason for exisiting.
And now...summer is coming to an end. The days are shorter, the nights are chillier. I am pretty sure I still have post traumatic stress from our last winter. It was like living in a goddamn snow globe. So for now I am hanging on to these last few weeks where I am not a prisoner in my home and can soak up just a little more sun with my kiddos. Our days are getting busier and we are all getting back to routine. But, alas, the summer cannot last forever.
There you have it! Bunker Summer 2011 - the highlights!
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